Sigma ReBL

Our new highline or longline slackline webbing impresses with a terrific weight / breaking load ratio. The new ReBL weighs just 56g / m, but has an enormous breaking load of 34kN. The webbing is 2.5mm thick, the edges of the slackline are significantly more thick, which makes walking barefoot and catching highlining more pleasant.
Bright white, black, blue and red colors, no annoying neon, simple and relaxed, pleasant colors.
Core sheath design: The ReBL webbing is woven like a core sheath rope, similar to a climbing rope - the solid surface protects the strong inside.
Water-repellent: The webbing absorbs almost no water, the surface is lightly impregnated so that water cannot easily penetrate; In addition, the weave is very dense, so that no rain or splash water can penetrate.
Antitwist: The different colors of the webbing, the black edges and one side blue and the other red color make the set up easier, since twisting is easier to see.
100% made in Germany ( like all webbings and textile materials from )
Technical characteristics:
15,000m long
- Max. Breaking load: 34kN
- Elongation at 10kN: 4.7%
- Weight: 56g / m
- Width: 25mm (+/- 1%)
- Thickness: 2,5mm